About the Book
I recently had a friend tell me that I’m wasting my time discussing the topic of tithing because “tithing is about as important as choir robes”.
The reality is, if A Threat to the Gospel were only about tithing, whether or not Christian’s should give 10% of their income to their local congregation, it would hardly have been worth writing. But A Threat to the Gospel is not just about tithing; it’s about much more than that.
A Threat to the Gospel is about preserving the truth of the gospel, understanding God’s expectations for believers, what our relationship to the Mosaic Law should be, the truth concerning biblical generosity, our responsibility to support those who serve us in ministry, biblical fellowship, correctly defining sin, proper hermeneutics and more.
And, yes, A Threat to the Gospel is about tithing, but not just tithing; it’s about exposing the harmful effects of false teachings on tithing.
A Threat to the Gospel takes you on a journey through Abraham’s tithe, Jacob’s vow to tithe, tithing under the Mosaic Law, New Testament teachings on generosity, the adoption of tithing by the church, our freedom from the Mosaic Law and our responsibility to the law of Christ. A Threat to the Gospel also provides sound rebuttal to common arguments used to support tithing in the church.
A Threat to the Gospel, once and for all, provides conclusive evidence that God never intended for the church to tithe.
About the Author

Jeffrey A. Lyons currently lives in Bucks County, PA, where he was born and raised, with his wife, Michelle, and their two children. As a school bus driver, he enjoys encouraging students and, when the opportunity presents itself, gently pointing them towards faith in Christ. His hobbies include spending time with his family, writing, playing the guitar, camping and completing tasks on Michelle’s honey-do list. He does not consider himself to be a theologian, nor has he attended university; he’s a believer who spends time with Jesus and his word.
From the Author
When I was 27 years old, after years of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts/tendencies and drug addiction, my sister asked me to say a prayer for the forgiveness of my sins in the name of Jesus Christ. Shortly after, I surrendered to God and he began to transform my life, giving me peace, joy, and hope I never had before. Since my journey with the Lord began I’ve had many ups and downs, but God has always been faithful. I’m not perfect, I’m a work in progress, but I know that I have a future and a hope in Jesus Christ.
I sincerely believe that God has led me on this journey to discover the truth about false teachings on tithing and their harmful effects so that I might share what I’ve learned with my brothers and sisters in Christ.
“Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.” (1 Timothy 4:16)